
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sharks in Jeopardy

I'm sure many of you know of 'shark finning'. Shark finning is the process of cutting off the shark's fins from its body and it is often reported that shark finning happens when the shark is still alive. After the fins are obtained, the finless shark is thrown back into the sea. I was wondering why they would do shark finning while the sharks are still alive. One of the main reasons is so that the fishermen have only the fins to transport.

"Sharks don't cry" is a very sad clip about a young tiger shark. The scenes were all shot secretly by hiding the camera. The film is part of the "Stop Finning" campaign from Sharkproject to call everyone up that butchering of sharks is a threat to our ecosystem. "

Shark fins are in demand mainly for the making of Shark Fin Soup. Many species of sharks have declined due to shark finning itself. As sharks are higher in the biological food chain, the decrease in their numbers disrupts countless ecosystems and will strongly affect biodiversity. There are many different ways you can help to stop the exploitation of sharks. These are the 4 ways you as an individual can do as suggested by Oceanic Defence :
  1. Refuse to eat in restaurants that serve shark fin soup or any other shark products
  2. Do not shop in any grocery stores that sell shark - All sharks are endangered on a global level.
  3. Tell as many people as you can about the wrongful act of shark finning.
  4. Open your mind and understand these magnificent creatures.
To know more about shark finning, there are countless articles and websites you can check out online. By simply using search engines such as Google. Please try not to consume any shark fin products, you can help save not only one species but many others.

Thank you to Hanna Phas for sharing this video by Shark Project. And thank YOU for taking your time to read this post.

For the Bruneians, Brunei has started it's first ever Ban Shark Fin movement, click here to find out more!

Much love, Ainul.

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