IG: @AinulApri |
Hi everyone! How's everyone been?
I've just started my summer holidays officially! My exams are over and as I am freaking out in the back of my mind (due to results coming in a few weeks), I am also feeling quite liberated. I like that word, 'liberate'. The sun was up today so I finally took my new sunnies out for a try.
I take this module called Agents of Infectious Diseases and after revision for the AID paper, I just can't take any sickness lightly. Even if it turns out to be nothing. There really isn't knowing the severity of an infection, they come in different shapes and sizes and definitely have their own personalities; like human beings, you just don't really know whether or not to trust them (JK I trust you guys - we can talk about my trust issues in another post).
I had a quick lunch at one of the restaurants in Uni called Xananas. Lunch was wonderful. I had a quick Bruwick (Brunei Warwick - by the way I am their 2013/2014 General Secretary!) meeting and all is well. Z and I went for a ride that late evening to meet up with H for dinner at our favorite Nando's. I swear today, Alhamdulillah, best meals ever!
It's just so nice to let the pressure off and enjoy your day, taking your time and just experiencing. I'm working on a new project, will definitely keep you guys posted about it when it's happening. I hope you all will like it as much as we do (yepp I'm working with a significant other on this).
I'm also happy to announce that I have completed my summer holiday outfit! I'm just still going back and forth about shoes. Hopefully I'll find a nice pair soon. Summer's just started, there's so much to plan for, from moving out, ending my first year of university, flight back to Brunei and not to forget my elder sister S's graduation! Wish her the best in everything! I'm definitely excited for that to happen!
I'm going to call it a night for now. Sorry I haven't got much to offer you today! Hopefully I'll come up with more inspiring things next time!
Have a good night!
By the way, I'm so loving this song. Opening up my summer with "Made in the USA" from Demi officially, although this is my current favorite:
With love,
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